Having doubts.

It’s okay to not have all the answers. In fact, it’s kind of a superpower.

As solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, we’re often expected to be the ultimate heroes of our own stories. We’re supposed to have all the answers, all the time. But the truth is, doubt is a normal part of the journey. And guess what? Talking about it is actually a superpower.

Here’s why:

Doubt keeps you humble. When you’re not afraid to admit that you don’t know everything, you open yourself up to learning and growth.
Doubt makes you a better leader.

When you’re transparent about your own challenges, it creates a space for your team to be vulnerable and honest as well. This builds trust and fosters a more collaborative environment.

Doubt can spark creativity. When you’re not sure what to do, you’re forced to think outside the box and come up with new solutions.

So next time you’re feeling lost or uncertain, don’t bottle it up. Share your doubts with your team, your mentors, or even just your followers on social media. You might be surprised at how much support and inspiration you find.

Here are a few tips for talking about your doubts:

Be specific. Don’t just say “I’m feeling lost.” Share what you’re struggling with and why.

Be honest. Don’t try to sugarcoat your feelings.

Be open to feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.

Remember, doubt is not a weakness. It’s a sign that you’re human and that you’re growing. So embrace it, talk about it, and use it to your advantage.
