I reminisce over you.

I reminisce over you
Or rather say think back…

Gather ’round, friends, family, foes (but hopefully not too many of those), for we come together today to mourn a loss. Not any ordinary loss, mind you, but the shedding of a skin, the casting off of shackles, the saying “buh-bye Felicia” to the person who used to hold me back.

I’m talking about the Old Me. The one who snoozed on dreams, mistook procrastination for a lifestyle, and fueled anxieties with unhealthy coping mechanisms. Yeah, that guy. He wasn’t all bad, I suppose. He got me through some rough patches, kept me company in lonely nights, and even knew how to have a little fun (questionable fun, sometimes, but fun nonetheless).

But let’s be honest, folks, he was holding me hostage. He was a dead weight on my soul, a cobweb-covered mirror reflecting a distorted image of who I could be. So, with a heavy heart and a newfound resolve, I did what had to be done. I sent him off with a Viking funeral.** Not an actual one, of course, because fire hazards and whatnot. But metaphorically, I built a pyre of self-doubt, doused it in the gasoline of determination, and lit the match of change.

The flames roared, and as they did, I watched the Old Me go up in smoke. His excuses, his fears, his negativity – all turned to ash. In their place, something new began to rise. A phoenix, if you will, of self-awareness, courage, and a burning desire to live a life worthy of the person I know I can be.

This isn’t a goodbye, though. It’s a hello. A hello to a brighter future, a hello to chasing dreams with reckless abandon, a hello to the person I was always meant to be. So raise a glass, if you will, not to mourn the Old Me, but to celebrate the New One. Because let me tell you, friends, this New Me is one hell of a party.**


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